CongratulAtions! You have aced breastfeeding! Yay! Pat your back.
Ohh but the baby is turning 6 months. Your next challenge is weaning.
Weaning is a very interesting phase. It brings out the chef in the new mom. But then comes the clauses of being a weaning-chef-mom. 🚫No salt upto 1 year
🚫No sugar upto 1 year
🚫No cow milk upto 1 year
🚫No compromise on taste
🚫No compromise on texture
🚫No compromise on variety I was already pulling my hair by the 7th month on what to cook and how to cook. Babychakra's kiddy kitchen has given me ideas many times to work around my baby's taste buds and local availability. But I was failing to feed him the bland sugarlese saltless purees. Again babychakra shop rescued me with the suggestion of adding dry dates powder as a sweetner in baby food. I started with a small travel pack of 50 gms of dry dates powder by early foods.
Nuha shaikh
08 Nov 2019