I am 23 weeks pregnant, on 18 th week I felt my first baby movements after which it become less, as I said m on 23 week I haven't felt the movements yet again (in between I hd heard the hear beats, and anomaly scan also took whn I was 20 weeks pregnant ).
I have anterior placenta and have belly fats too. Lil on heavier side.
Some. Times I feel heaviness down and and then urinate.
Do I need to worry or visit the doc?
16 May 2017
Dr. Shilpitha
sony , best is to relax and wait... as because of anterior placenta and belly fat- movements and kicks can be felt little late... and usg also showing good reports... leave tension and just enjoy this period
17 May 2017
Hi all..  <b><span style="color:#3B5998;"> @616d5a27c1b4770013bcb718 </span></b><b><span style="color:#3B5998;"></span></b>   and <b><span style="color:#3B5998;"> @616d51e8ca67e40013aa9222 </span></b><b><span style="color:#3B5998;"></span></b><b><span style="color:#3B5998;"></span></b>I tried the cold method but our felt the movements once n tht too whn I was lying flat on back.. I hd my hands on Tummy felt it on left side.. I patted my Tummy the baby responded..
But it was jst once or twice is tht fine?
17 May 2017
Dr. Shilpitha
hello sony...<br>
yes as <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d51e8ca67e40013aa9222 </b></font>said try to relax and have a cup of hot water or soup or even cold drinks and quietly observe for one hour, you can feel atleast two fluttering like sensations- like fish is moving in your tummy .. or else get download some apps which helps in hearing FHS..
17 May 2017
Dr Payal
i think the abdominal fat and still tentatively early pregnancy are responsible fr the decreased perception of fetal movements. can u try having a cold drink and lie down on ur side n wait..it might stimulate the baby. if u say u feel flutters- thts also good. <br>
the heaviness of the uterus and pressure on tbe bladder is giving rise to the feeling of urination.<br>
hope this helps- pls update here  how u r doing.<br>
at any point u have a feeling tht u need the reassurance- dont hesitate to visit ur gynec.
Dr. Shilpitha
17 May 2017