I m almost 13weeks pregnant, I had my ANC done today in which it was revealed that my placenta is low lying. Although my doctor has not said any thing cautionary about it, says will observe the placement during the pregnancy it can shift later.
but my relatives say that it's a cause of concern and should take plenty of rest and not work much or go out for leisure pls advise
I am attaching my ANC reports along for your reference.
Aakriti Vasudev
12 Apr 2017
Dr. Shilpitha
Hello Aakriti...<br>
Low-lying placenta, or placenta praevia, is a complication of pregnancy where the placenta that feeds the growing fetus is attached to the lower part of the womb near to or covering the cervix...There are several types of placenta praevia-<br>
A low-lying placenta is near the cervical opening but not covering it. It will often move upward in the uterus as your due date approaches.<br>
A partial placenta praevia covers part of the cervical opening.<br>
A total placenta praevia covers and blocks the cervical opening.<br>
Hence, it depends on position...<br>
So, if you are not having any symptom like bleeding or spotting then no need to worry..<br>
Just follow some precautions like dont stand for long time, lifting heavy objects, climbing stairs, intercoarse, walking, travelling, avoid strenous work..
13 Apr 2017
sonam patel
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d5a27c1b4770013bcb718 </b></font> please help..
12 Apr 2017
Deepa Makhija
as the pregnancy progress the placenta goes in upward position in 99 percent of cases..so nothing to worry..even mine was the same situation and my gyneac after examining suggested not to have intercourse jst as a precautionary measure.
12 Apr 2017
shikha singh
gradually placenta goes up as pregnancy progresses...<br>
as far as work is concerned... avoid travelling n walking fast n climbing stairs...<br>
just be calm...its very normal as u r just 11 <u>w</u>eeks
Dr. Shilpitha
13 Apr 2017