Dear Mommas, Rehu had 2 front bottom incisors since birth which have started to grow. I mentioned this to paed and he didn't seem to be concerned about it. Now my worries are :
1. She has started drooling a lot offlate,is it related to teething (nit sure since they are increasing in size only)
2. She keeps on biting her fingers ( shall i give her teether at this age,she's just 3 mos old)
3. She has been crankier and i feel her molars gums are also hardening ( does this mean,she is growing other teeth as well?)
4.Does all this call for early weaning? Will her digestive system mature early? If yes,in how many months; and what all can be given?
5. Past few days,she is crying and cooing while at the breast,she will keep her feet on my legs and pull herself up constantly while feeding,she seems unhappy.(is it bcoz of her teething thing or is something to do with growth spurt,my flow being fast or slow?or is it gas troubling her? Though i will be reviewing all this with doc if these things persist for a few more days,your suggestions will really be helpful and would be good to know if someone faced similar situation!!🚼 Attaching a pic of her tiny tools,she dig my breasts with 😬
ritu singhal
26 Jan 2018
ritu singhal
Asha di,she is fine,i think,more than teeth,gas keeps troubling her! Part and parcel of life 😊
12 Feb 2018
asha chaudhry
hey ritu how is rehu doing now??
12 Feb 2018
Deepti Mishra
ritu my baby was just 8 days den we done becouse that was soo fragile and i was afraid not swellow by her
27 Jan 2018
ritu singhal
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372bb2a573f5c0015bc3f0b </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> - does it cause discomfort to the kid when they extract them? Yeah,rarest of rare cases ( by the way,my husband was born with lower incisors, so is his daughter) 😜
27 Jan 2018
asha chaudhry
Wow <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @6372bb2a573f5c0015bc3f0b </b></span> ! Thnx for sharing. We hv a peadiatric dentist for my childoo as her permanent teeth wed come before milk teeth wud fall. But i didnt realise the extract natal teeth!!
ritu singhal
12 Feb 2018