Dear mommies, worried that your baby doesn't roll over or sit up? Please read... All babies are different. They are of different size, colour, weight. Won't their personalities also be different? So will be their milestones too. Yes, there is an average time recommended for all milestones, but many babies will not confirm to it. They are their own persons! Go, baby, go!! Babies will eventually do what they were meant to do - walk! But along the way, they may roll over at 3 months, 6 months or maybe never do that at all. They may never crawl on their knees, but instead just rotate on their tummy, and one fine day, sit up or just hold onto something and just stand up. So how to know that our baby is doing great? Check if they are feeding well, responding to those around him, holds head steady, plays and makes various sounds, sits with support at 6 months generally, pushes the ground with legs if made to stand up with support by 9 months, muscles are not stiff, and neither should be floppy like a rag doll. There is nothing to suggest that those reaching milestones early have more successful career or are more intelligent. By 2 years of age or children will be more or less on the same level with respect to milestones. So mommies, relax and enjoy motherhood. If you have any concerns, check with your paediatrician. And if I have made any mistakes in this post, or anything left out, experienced mommies are requested to add...
21 Feb 2017
Meenal Aashu
thanks 4 post
22 Feb 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
Thank you <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @637142d1649d8300168ff8c3 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font>...
21 Feb 2017
satarupa mishra
great write up. I am sure many if us are going to benefit from this one. thank you sheeba.
Meenal Aashu
22 Feb 2017