Did you know you could find your fertility window (ovulation period) by using a thermometer? Well, not just any thermometer, but a highly sensitive one, as temperature changes before and after ovulation are ever so slight. That's why I am extremely thankful to Babychakra for giving me this TDK thermometer. It is smart, quick and can record accurate temperatures for upto 3 decimal places!
I started taking my temperatures from the first day of my period till around day 13. The readings were fairly consistent with just few decimal points of difference. On day 14 uptill day 16, the readings were significantly higher(upto a degree) and after day 17, they were lower again. I could accurately mark my ovulation dates with just these readings! Whats more, I can even transfer the data on my phone to an app! Thank you, a great tool to monitor the ovulation cycle and plan a pregnancy. #TDK#Babychakra
Ashu R
31 Jan 2019