Do you know what is stammering and how it is treated? A stammering is also called as sputtering which; is a disorder of speech .It is a condition where a speaker struggles to speak a word.We all have a certain kind of break while speaking .we might hesitate and saying Further or keep on repeating.But stammering is a little different which involves a repetition of words .Some people go mute or won't utter a single word.People suffering from stammering are very shy and will not make eye contact with the people they speak.they avoid to speak in public ; ; ; ; ;There are 3 types of stammering as follows
*Developmental stammering It is the most common type of stammering which can be seen in younger children with an age group between 3-5 years . this is the time when kids start developing their own; Speech and language abilities.this can be found in males;
*Neurogenic stammering This is caused by an abnormalityof functioning between the brain and muscles or the nerves
*Psychogenic stammering It begins with the part of brain which presides over thinking.
Symptoms; *A speaker might face problems to utter a word or sentence from his mouth After a continuous failure in smooth communication,speaker would feel frustrated. *A person who knows him or her; weakness very well they would try to avoid the words at which they stammer *A speaker shall repeat sounds or word which is normal *A word with certain sounds are substituted for other to avoid any public humiliation. *They would feel awkward hesitation in the beginning of the conversation. ; Treatment;for;stammering there are various treatment which doctor provides according to age and need of communication and situation of the;;is often suggested that stammering in young children because there exist a possiblity of it being gone completely after; growing up.the; treatment also involve the parents to create comfortable atmosphere for the child.
Sathya Kalaiselven
26 Jun 2019