Does babywearing lead to separation anxiety in kids once we stop babybwearing? Would the child be too dependant on mom and not be indepedant? I just feel at times we should let the child be else will be tough for the kid later. what are your thoughts ?
05 Aug 2017
Shef Tiwari
This is actually one of the biggest myths about babywearing and attachment parenting as a whole :) some of us are conditioned to think that holding a child will spoil them and make them into clingy, demanding little humans. While in fact the exact opposite is true you see. Research has shown us that the physical closeness and physiological benefits of babywearing actually encourages children to be more independent and to feel more secure and content. They develop a better sense of self-esteem and are more able to be at the centre of activity rather than being the centre of attention and that in itself promotes and stimulates brain development and cognitive learning. So wear your babies without any worry. Give them a safe, secure and rich learning environment and know that a baby has no sense of entitlement, does not know what being spoiled means and only wants to be held close so that their most important needs can be met. Food, touch, warmth and love! <br>
I have also seen equal number of non worn babies who are clingy. There is absolutely no connection between the two. You will wear them till they need/demand godi. They won't except you to wear them to college just because you wore them as a kid... just like breastfeeding :)
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05 Aug 2017
<a href=""><font color ="#3b5998"><b>Shef</b></font></a><a href=""><font color ="#3b5998"><b> Tiwari</b></font></a> <a href=""><b><font color ="#3b5998">Kaushal </font></b></a><a href=""><b><font color ="#3b5998">Sovani</font></b></a> please advise
Shef Tiwari
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05 Aug 2017