“Children are like tiny flowers; they are varied and need care, but each is beautiful alone and
glorious when seen in the community of peers.”
-- Friedrich Frobel
Friedrich Frobel was one of the most influential founders of kindergartens, and he coined the
name in 1840.
The early childhood years are important for all children, but for the child who has special needs,
these years are especially critical. When the parent misses out on the early years of learning and
intervention, it affects a child's learning and development.
Early intervention is the foundation for the children and families. If we get those early years right then the strong foundation is laid for the future. It is like feeding the roots of the tree. Early
detection and intervention make a lot of difference in a child's life and functioning. It may also
prevent or reduce the need for special help later. The first five years are the crucial years for the
Many conditions can be alleviated, other problems can be overcome to a large extent, and some
problems can be managed so that the child can live a better life.
From birth to age 3, children develop their sensory experiences like different sounds, smells,
objects, tastes etc. After 3, the brain starts responding to new learning experiences. Language,
vision and emotions continue to develop. Also, various skills like drawing, playing an
instrument, picking up a sport etc., are easy to be learned during this stage. Social interaction through play is also important.
As soon as you discover that your child has a delay in any area of development whether it be in
the gross motor skill like the ability to walk, run, climb or fine motor skill area like difficulty in
holding the pencil, writing or in the social skill areas which is their ability to play with others.
Whatever area the delay is it is very important to seek professional help. The professionals can
assess what delays your child may have and refer you to the appropriate therapist who can then
evaluate that domain of development and then treat those specific delays. You are your child’s
best teacher. Early intervention is the greatest gift that you can give it to your child. No matter
where you live, you will find professionals to help you. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Take Action. Support Inclusion. Like and Share the article if you find it helpful. Please feel free
Agreed , its always best to approach the therapist than asking people. I see in many online forum where moms ask "my 2 plus year old kid doesn't talk" and many will answer its okay mine spoke at 4 yrs.
yashu Gopichand
31 Jul 2019