#ecoparenting#worldenvironmentday#choosenatural Do you how many chemicals we bring into our homes in the form of personal care products and household cleaners? If you take the time to sit down and actually list everything out, you're sure to be shocked! This really is avoidable, considering that there are many eco-friendly alternatives for everything - baby products, cosmetics, detergents and other cleaners. Doing this ensures that you and your family are safe from chemicals and that you aren't polluting the soil or water bodies.
03 Jun 2017
Priya Sood
Wonderful thread. Many do lack awareness. It would be great to hear the alternatives so we all can do our part!
04 Jun 2017
Aradhana Sharma
hi rithu, thanks for the tag, <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @63713f4617d2c800158d383d </font></b><b><font color ="#3b5998"></font></b> .very important topic of discussion, i keep thinking on this as how would i will be able to give my child environment free of toxins chemicals, we human have already polluted air around us. at first cosmetics which are organic pure can be used specially for babies and also for self, all those promising charming skin cosmetics should be avoided, instead herbal packs ,homemade, organic can be used. mostly for home ,floor cleaners we are using harsh chemicals imbibed, instead, lemon, neem , baking soda can be used for cleaning the kitchen area and floor . if we cannot completely avoid it we can at least minimize it. we have side effects -bad air even with polish of furniture's, paints, posters material etc. they contain toxic elements which are really  harmful   . at first we need to realize how badly it effects our health by creating awareness amoung us family members and us and taking note of this very seriously. indoor plants which clean this harmful air can be planted in our houses this are like-mother in law toungue (its a plant name;) , palm tree,neem plant, peace lilly. lets teach our children importance of nature and    give them bringing free from this toxins.   <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63729b593f31520016a69b80 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> i drean to live like u r and want to give this environment to my baby... really inspiring.
03 Jun 2017
Pratibha P
<font color ="#3b5998"><b><u> @63713f4617d2c800158d383d </u></b></font> - I use the mashaka range by Omved. there is this fab mosquito spray by strategi that works really well.
03 Jun 2017
Rhituparna Mitra
You all are so inspiring! I just have a little balcony garden and that's all I have done towards being eco friendly:-) But want to do a lot more...Can any of you tell me any foolproof natural ways to ward off those pesky mosquitoes? Neither do I like those chemical laden options nor do they work!
03 Jun 2017
Sumira Bhatia
also you can add vinegar and baking soda to the water to scrub floor. it drives away insects. . and eggshells in corners to repel lizards. it really works.
Priya Sood
04 Jun 2017