Even though if you are too busy don't forget to keep yourself hydrated.. Drink enough water. Make sure atleast you are drinking two liters of water in a day this can differ from person to person. 💦 Benefits of water
👉 It helps to produce saliva which is essential to breakdown food & keep mouth healthy
👉 It helps to maintain body temperature
👉 It creates cushion in between joints, spinal cords & also helps in brain functioning
👉 Consuming good amount of water as per body will keep you away from constipation
👉 It help to dissolve water soluble vitamins B & C making it available for body absorption 💦 Drink water in steel,glass bottles or glasses, clay pot water is the best if you have one, Consuming 1 glass of water from copper is good for 3 months not more than that. ❌ Avoid to purchase empty plastics bottles to store water. 💦 How to keep track?
👉 Can create reminder in mobile
👉 Stick written note where you work the maximum time
👉 Ask your colleagues or friends or family to remind you incase you are too lost in your work
Roje Panda
08 Jan 2020