Every single day we wake up, getting ready for work, drink coffee, have breakfast, leave for work and so on.
why we do that?
cause we need money, we need power, we need name, fame, wealth.which is absolutely important but running in that race do you ever think of nourishing your soul and mind.yes nurturing
your soul and mind as much as important earning money, power, wealth, name, fame.
A tree can't survive without water.
Vehicle cant move without fuel.
mobile can't function without being charged.
and the body can't sustain without food.
but I the soul I am going on and on and on doing everything
without being nurtured.Whenever we thought of who we are,we would see this physical body in the mirror.The body can't do anything the moment when soul leaves from it.We earn everything for our outer world even we nurture our body with food,sleep to get it to function every day.Then how can we forget about the soul which is functioning our body.we think purpose of our life to get all the things.but no amount of wealth,power and glory can make you radiate from inside.If yopu dont nurture yourself and run your body to earn money,power to execute all your responsibilites.Then you live a life of struggle,unhappy,moe illness,more depression.Result of that ,we have started to wilt.Even on small issues,if somebody says an unpleasant word or two we started wilting or sometimes opposite of that angry,jeaoulsy,hurt,isn't it.We spend a lot of time taking care of our outside world without knowing what's going on inside.First
take care of your soul and mind.Nourish it reguarly with positive information with postive thought then take care of everything else.If you do that imagine how your quality of lifewill be?
Anger will replace with love.
Conflicts will replace with peace.
Sadness will replace with happiness.
Are we radiating from within?
Remember your one thought away...one thought away.
Rise Everyday is the series where I will be post positive thoughts and some values of life which inspired me alot during my odd time.
#Rise Everyday.
11 Aug 2018
Bhavna Anadkat
This is so well written.... Nice <u><u>rashmi</u></u>
Bhavna Anadkat
12 Aug 2018