Everyday life we come across a lot of people who inspire us in various ways. The women in the picture whom I almost everyday see see is my Maid.
I will address her as Mrs P in my post. I have learnt biggest leason of my life from her. That's is "to be happy in what u have"
I like to share small story with you all about her life. And I m sure it will inspire you all to in many ways. .
Her day starts at 4:30 am early or moring or late nite u may call. She make breakfast and lunch for her family everyone else is sleeping. Around 6am she leaves from her for house work. Than at 8am she comes back home wakes up her son for school feeds him breakfast and drops him school at 9am and than again heads back to work till 1pm. At 1 30pm she picks his son from school goes home and both mother and son have there lunch together. Than at 3 clock she goes to fill water from municipal truck if she is late she has to stay without water for full entier day. Than at 4pm she drops her son for classes and heads back to work again 9pm. Comes home make dinner for family have dinner and than around 12 clock she goes to sleep. She only sleeps for 4 and half hour.
I always ask how does she manages all this and with sweet smile on her face replies... "It's manageable"
She is very positive women I have come across my life always smiling just like in her picture no matter how difficult her situation maybe. Hatts of to get motherhood and unconditional love of her towarda her family's 🤘👌
15 Jun 2017
khushboo chouhan
<b><span style="color:#3B5998;"> @616d0591b34e550013eb9a72 </span></b> <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @63729b593f31520016a69b80 </b></span> see this beautiful post :)
khushboo chouhan
16 Jun 2017