Check sugar level.and also check swollen feet and; blood pressure;; once a week.drink lot of water.....
28 Mar 2018
Shilpi Tewary
Thank u so much both of u.....
28 Mar 2018
Kritika Lall
albumin is trace in urine report..drink more and more water to make it least 3 ltrs daily..<br>
For sugar, first talk to your doc if insulin is required..I would recommend you to take GTT and GCT tests to confirm gestational diabetes.. <br>
To manage sugar at home, follow these:<br>
-avoid sugar intake at all costs.<br>
-avoid bakery stuffs.<br>
-avoid maida, rice, potatoes, too much oily items.<br>
-drink lot of water.<br>
-take up some form of light exercise like walking at least for half an hour daily..<br>
-walk for at least 15 mints post each meal or even any form of snacks intake.<br>
But do consult your doc for proper medication also..<br>
Don't worry too much about it as it is treatable..stress would aggravate the existing conditions..<br>
Papia Karmakar
02 Apr 2018