today i m feeling like i ll burst out or will fly in sky like a rocket bcoz of infinite energy in my body. even my breathing has fasten.
any idwa what's happening with me?😞
Pooja Singh
18 May 2017
Pooja Singh
As the body prepares for the final few hours before birth, mom will now feel the frequent urge to empty her bowels, spasmic lower back pain and a sudden rush of energy can be felt too. With this, she is now probably willing to clean house, go shopping, cook a few extra meals and in general paint the town red.
23 May 2017
Dr. Shilpitha
hello pooja...<br>
it is obvious to have because of lot of imbalance in your pregnancy hormones... so dont worry... just relax, have a cup of favo beverage, Sit back on easy chair, and try to calm down... just close your eyes and think about baby's kicks movements and you will feel fresh... these rocket feeling was quiet common with me..<br>
if it continues, then get a check up done
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18 May 2017
Pooja Singh
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d5a27c1b4770013bcb718 </b></font> pls guide me with this. <u>thanks</u>
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18 May 2017
Sheeba Rizvi
Hey Pooja it's not energy it may be something else....consult your doc dear causing of fast breathing should be diagnosed. Take care <font color ="#3b5998"><b><u> @616d5a27c1b4770013bcb718 </u></b></font> can your help her <u>please</u> why is she feeling like this?
Pooja Singh
23 May 2017