Few things are bothering me... Plz help me out to clear my doubts.. 1) is it necessary to poop out belly button during pregnancy? Mine is not yet pooped out 2) seen here so many mommies talking about colostrum secreation .. just started with my 8th month ... Still my breast not secreated colostrum... Why so??? ( Is that mean ki i will be not able to produce enough milk for my baby) 3 ) m observing much baby movments from yesterday than usual but i heard in third trimester baby moves less due to less space.. then y m feeling much baby movmemts... Should i need to worry about this or its normal???
Sneha Khandait Deshmukh
01 Nov 2017
Parul soni
New thing i came to know😊
01 Nov 2017
Merline Joffy
Belly button may or may not pop out. Mine also not poped out, instead I feel it gone inside 😐😐.<br>
Colostrum some may leak early , but as Rebecca told it's better 2 leak it near the date.<br>
Abt Movements i heard that only inlast weeks it will b <u>less</u>
01 Nov 2017
Sneha Khandait Deshmukh
<b> @616d8eb5b34e550013ec1ff7 </b> @5fedec01cccb6d0014097596 <b><span style="color:#3B5998;"> @6372dce4d28b060015d965bd </span></b><span style="color:#3B5998;"> @63761830676f0a0016bad9ab </span><span style="color:#3B5998;"></span><span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @616d5a27c1b4770013bcb718 </b></span>Thanx a lot u all lovely ladies for clearing my doubts😊....
01 Nov 2017
Dr. Shilpitha
1) pooping of belly button merely depends on body of the individual and position of baby.. so please dont worry about that..<br>
2) it is good that secretion not yet started.. as the secretion sometimes indicates about pre term delivery.. normal process is the colustrum starts after the expulsion of placenta..<br>
3) need not to be mild/ less movements in third trimester.. it depends on baby.. baby may be super acive or even passive mode,,, it depends on the mood of baby..
01 Nov 2017
Rebecca Prakash
Not necessarily belly button will pop out for everyone, mine is slightly popped out .. it's just easy to clean now you see 😅<br>
Actually it's good that your breast is not leaking,; i too had this question and Dr . Shilpitha cleared it, there are chances for pre term delivery if your breast leaks colostrum before 32 <u>weeks</u>, so we are very safe here yayyy ☺<br>
Don't worry about the; movements just keep eating now and then.
Parul soni
01 Nov 2017