Find Out Your Parenting Style Has your child started avoiding interactions with you lately? Is he demanding for stuff that you think is ridiculously expensive? Has your child been having troubles making friends? The key to this raises another question again; do you think your;parenting;style is suitable for your child? What is a;parenting;style? What effect does it leave on our children? Parenting style refers to the way in which parents choose to raise their children. A parent is an important factor in their children’s social as well as emotional growth and development. There is no way in which parents can escape having a regulating effect on their children’s personality, character and competence. Parental responsiveness or warmth It is the way parents respond to their children and their needs; mostly seen in authoritative;parenting;while lack of response results in absence of both warmth and control which is essential for the child; mostly seen in neglectful;parenting. Parental demandingness or control Parents tend to hold unrealistic expectations from the child compared to his/her potentials; mostly seen in authoritarian;parenting;while parents keeping no demands or expectations from the child without foreseeing cons of their decisions, results in extremely accepting and lenient;parenting; seen particularly in permissive;parenting. We cannot say that every parent falls clearly into one specific category yet these;parenting;styles usually match with the type of discipline a parent selects to use with his or her child which needs parental expectations and guidance that change with time as the child grows to encourage certain outcomes that are expected from the child. The quality of parent-child interactions has been shown to influence the development of children’s motivation. We are all born different and unique. What we think we loved as kids might not work the same way for our children since evolution has its effects on every single individual. Parenting one of the toughest job in the world. It brings joy, excitement but also responsibility and pressure to nurture a being. It is what is provided to the young ones in their growing years which determines their personality to a great extent. A parent is an important factor in their children’s social as well as emotional growth and development. Often there is a lack of confusion among the parents regarding how to communicate with their children. Whether to be their friend or assume the role of a strict disciplinarian or let the child bloom at his rate and choices. Parenting style refers to the way in which parents choose to raise their children. There is no way in which parents can escape having a regulating effect on their children’s personality, character, and competence. Parenting lies on a continuum on which the caregivers have to slide from one end to the other for every different event. The parenting style is also determined by the temperament of the child such as whether the child is happy and likes to be hugged or is slow to warm or is distant while growing up.Authoritarian Parenting Think of this style as a strict warden who is obsessed with maintaining rule and order amongst the students. In this style, parents develop certain disciplines which the children are expected to follow and failure to maintain them could result in punishment. The parents here are uninvolved emotionally and place unachievable high standards for the children to reach. They do not provide the reason for any punishment that the child receives, causing the child to be uncertain.;
If you find yourself following any of the below roles you might be using Authoritarian style Constant conflict regarding power Severe punishments such as either physical violence or total abandonment of the child Not including your child in activities made for him Assorting to the humiliation of your child in front of others when he/she fails to meet standards set by you Total control of your child’s day to day routine ;There can be serious repercussions on using this style. It may impact the growing sense of self for the child. He would feel that he is not being understood and refrain from reaching out to you in stress. There would be a constant doubt about what is right/wrong and acceptable/unacceptable. The child would be operating from rigid rules even as an adult and failing to achieve them would harm the confidence. Research also says that children growing up in this environment may either fail to love themselves or become rebellious. Permissive Parenting A parent who is all and only fun is the perfect representation of Permissive parenting. Here there are rarely any disciplines that are maintained and there is no control of the environment. The parents are more involved in being a friend than a parent. There is no clear sense of what is expected of a child and let the children make decisions for them. They are responsive to the demand of the children but there lacks maturity in the nurture. They do not confront the child when something is out of order and have a very lenient stand to maintain. There seems to be no authority in the family structure.
Saumya Pillai
28 Mar 2019