Knowing your numbers can reduce your risk of developing somepreventable conditions. By taking control of your health, you willreduce your risk of developing illnesses, and will increase yourchances of living a long, healthy life. Cholesterol:
Having high total cholesterol,high LDL or low HDL can putyou at risk for a heart attack or
stroke. Since there are nosymptoms of high cholesterol, itis imperative that you knowyour numbers. Blood Pressure:
High blood pressure,
known as hypertension.
increases your risk of heart
attack, stroke and kidney
disease. It can also cause
damage to your brain, eyes andarteries.
Get it checked periodically to ensure its within limits.
Much like cholesterol, there areno symptoms of high bloodpressure, so knowing your numbers is key to good health. Body Mass Index:
BMI measures your weight inrelation to your height. This
measurement indicates whetheryour weight falls within anormal, healthy range. YourBMI should be less than 25.
A BMI over 25 indicates thatyou are overweight and
BMI over 30 indicates thatyou are obese.
Carrying extra weight can leadto high cholesterol, heart
disease, diabetes and otherchronic conditions. Get in touch with us to know your nos.