Fruity salad for toddlers🍈 . . This fruit salad is the easiest one you can munch on. It’s got minimal ingredients and goodness of vitamins. Let’s get started, . . All you need is : . 🍈 Fruits that are available at home 🍈 One teaspoonful of sugar, sprinkle chat masala, half a lemon, salt and pinch of black pepper . . Procedure : Cut all the fruits. Add sugar, chat masala, salt, squeeze some lemon, add a pinch of black pepper and a teaspoon of sugar. Give it a good mix and enjoy! . . Try this super easy recipe and let me know about it in comments below😍 . . #bbcreatorsclub#youngmomjournal#mamaofsimra#babychakrapost
Durga salvi
06 Apr 2020