Getting rid of belly fat is quite a task. Along with a healthy diet and other on-going workouts try including this easy-to-do exercise in your routine to tone your belly muscles.
Reverse crunch
Lie down on your back
Place your hands behind your head to support it well.
Bend your knees with your thighs perpendicular to the ground.
Using your core muscles (abs), slowly bring your knees towards your chest.
Hold this position for 5 seconds and then extend them (straight).
Repeat the same 5-10 times.
Note: This exercise shouldn’t be practiced during pregnancy. Women practicing this exercise post-childbirth should make sure that they have fully recovered from the delivery and the stitches have healed if any. #workout#bellyfatreduction#healthylife#seemasays
Yes <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @ </b></span> <br>
Once they have recovered from the pregnant and the stitches are completely healed then this exercise can be practiced
05 May 2022
Is it applicable for c-section mom too <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @ </b></span> ?
Seema Bhatia
05 May 2022