Quick tips for pregnant women <br>
1.In the third trimester, sleep on your left side to allow for the best blood flow to the foetus and to your uterus and kidneys. Avoid lying flat on your back for a long period of time. This may cause discomfort to you and the baby. When ever you sit, sit in the straight posture with back support to avoid back pain. <br>
2. Drink lots of fluids during the day, but cut down before bedtime. Stay hydrated. <br>
3. To prevent heartburn which is common during pregnancy, do not eat large amounts of spicy, acidic, junk or fried foods. If heartburn is a problem, sleep with your head elevated on pillows. Avoid aerated drinks, it’s very harmful to you and your baby. <br>
4. Please check with your gynaecologist and do every to help you stay healthy, improve your circulation, and reduce leg cramps. This will help you sleep better and fight insomnia. <br>
5. Try frequent small meals throughout the day. This helps avoid nausea by keeping your stomach full. <br>
6. Special "pregnancy" pillows and mattresses may help you sleep better. Or use regular pillows to support your body. <br>
7. Short naps may help to avoid stress and be active. <br>
8. Learn to relax with relaxation and breathing techniques, which can also help when the contractions begin. A warm bath or shower before bed can be helpful. Practice yoga if possible. <br>
9. Talk to your doctor if you develop medical problems or incase you have any discomfort during pregnancy. <br>
10. Try not to eat seafoods, though it is said that, they contain omega 3 fatty acids and required for brain development of the baby, still fishes contain mercury, a toxic metal that can cause serious nervous system damage. <br>
Revauthi Rajamani
15 Nov 2018