Hai mommies and experts... my baby having severe fever from today morning, so I took my baby to Bangalore famous pediatrician and she was told that my baby having 102 degree fever and recommended to take calpol syrup,, then she checked my baby's weight wrist head and finally she told that she might having thyroid and vitamin c deficiency, and gave me an appointment on Monday again for blood test.
I'm confused , she told my baby is heavy, her weight is 12 it's too fat and she must started to talk but she is just blabber , but i didn't agree because she is just 1 and half years old and i think her weight is okay... I'm really upset , i attached my baby photo... is she really very healthy? Thyroid test is necessary?
Jenitha Ralini
15 Dec 2018
Jenitha Ralini
Hai everyone ..today we met our family doctor and he checked my daughter and said that she is perfectly alright and also he suggest me to not believe anything you hear nowadays profession of medicine becoming business ..always go for an 2nd ,or even 3rd opinion ..and thank you everyone for ur concern 😊
20 Dec 2018
Jenitha Ralini
Thank you everyone... will go for a blood test and let you all know the progress
16 Dec 2018
Rebecca Prakash
12 kgs is definitely not over weight for 1.5 yrs. And yes not necessarily all the babies will start talking this early. Having said that, if your doctor thinks thyroid test is necessary there is nothing wrong, atleast you will be relieved. Take care of her and do keep us updated.
16 Dec 2018
Aditi Ahuja
Don't stay positive..take a second opinion..baby weight seems to be ok..
16 Dec 2018
Revauthi Rajamani
Hi <br>
Cute photo. God bless you and your baby. <br>
Relax, thyroid can be sensed if the baby is physically checked under the chin. May be doctor felt so.. all I suggest is stay positive. Go for a blood test if nothing well and good mommy. Just a confirmation. Tc keep us posted once you are done with your tests
Jenitha Ralini
20 Dec 2018