happy mothers day to all expecting and a newly made mothers I want to know that i am feeling some sensation in my stomach since yesterday...I feel it in every half hour .I cannot explain what it is..its neither causing me any pain but its a sensation kind of ..I am five months pregnant.Are these are baby s movements? but ive heard baby s movements are fealt after 6th month also once or twice in a day not that frequent as i am feeling. pls guide..
Reshma Nagrani
15 May 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
hey reshma, around 19 weeks i was waiting at a shop and i felt some glugulu type movements... and i was like "wait... is that?" and a few minutes later again i felt... you should have seen me the way home, smile plastered from one ear to the other... so, i would say, it is the baby! at first it feels like gas bubbles or a butterfly fluttering.... its a sweet funny feeling...
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15 May 2017
Reshma Nagrani
Awe...ur reply got a smile on my face..Thank u Priya Mam..
15 May 2017
Ashika Imthiyaz
yes.. I too faced.. nd just enjoyed a lot.. baby starts to explode there itself...
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15 May 2017
Priya Sood
Hi Reshma. Happy mothers day to you as well. I used to feel movement / odd sensation (even i cant desctribe it) like tummy rumbling. Maybe baby cant wait to say hi! :) Any inputs <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372999217d2c800158d8bec </b></font>, <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @6372d80f17d2c800158d8ff1 </font></b>, <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d55db46822a001361f292 </b></font> tagfwd
Sheeba Vijesh
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15 May 2017