heard of apamarg herb which is helpful in inducing normal delivery..any one have tried it???
Ankita Rishi
10 May 2017
Rajiv Singh
What our Grand mothers and great grand mothers knew easily , we have to do a billion dollar research today . Yes I do read above comments and agree with the property of Apmarg , The Jungle tribes still use this boon herb , It is easily available in Villages today . I'm from a typical village of Bihar and knew this herb from very childhood , today we are living in concreet jungle where such herbs are rarely available to see . as much as I know from some himalayan Yogis who visited in my Village temple and stayed there for few days , they said this herb of two kind the one is male and another is female , the female herb follow the moon cycle like every female body , 27.5 days cycle , and many more thing like that. It has different usage on different moon days. if someone knows how to use it it can also decide the gender and quality of desired child. - fb dot com / nyrajiv
30 Apr 2019
Shaily Tiwari
such interesting. .is it really works. .
12 May 2017
Roopashree Siddireddy
Yes I know very well what apamarga means.. it's a weed with pricks. This plant represents planet Mercury and in Astrology we will ask kids to worship this plant who are dull in studies. We call it uttarani. I have myself used it for some skin knots suggested by my grandfather, who is an Ayurvedic doctor. There are 2-3 kinds of plants..which look alike to this. And those plants are quite allergic. This plant use to use for abortions in earlier times. During pregnancy our body and skin will be very sensitive.. We have to use herbs( whether it's internally or externally)..only if we know it properly.
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10 May 2017
Rumsha Merchant
where to buy this herb from?? m due this 20th may
10 May 2017
Sheeba Rizvi
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372d06c29c20f001575a199 </b></font> see this ☺
Rajiv Singh
30 Apr 2019