Hello Baby Chakra Family Parents . It's glad to be one of the parents in the Baby Chakra App. Here is a little introduction about myself. I'm Sai Rajeswari, mother to a naughty tot - Kashyap Karthikeyan who turns 3 in a few months. I'm a software engineer and turned to a Stay At Home Mom. I love diy stuff activities which helped me to explore and prepare DIY Montessori activities to my little one. We started reading books when my little one is in the womb. I'm passionate about cooking and singing. I'm penning down all my parenthood experiences in the form of parenting tips. You can get all the information/posts under my unique hashtags. Just tap on the hashtag, you'll find more useful tips. Kids Montessori Activities - #LittleKActivities Kids Books - #LittleKBooks Kids Toys - #LittleKToys Parenting Tips- #WowMomTips Kid & Adult Recipes ( Veg ) - #RajiCooks . Let me know about you in the comments and stay tuned for more posts. Feel free to tag me if you have any queries. I'll try to reply asap. Don't forget to follow me. Thanks for reading and have a nice day. Happy Parenting. @khushboochouhan
04 Jun 2019