Can i use babywear to carry my 3 months old little one for a walk to the park daily.....her neck is not yet very stiff.....I want to go for a walk with her every evening.......
Smita Pandey
24 Aug 2017
Kaushal Sovani
Dear <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372ac5f649d8300169047b6 </b></font>,<br>
Glad to know you are considering Babywearing. Yes you can wear your baby in an ergonomic baby carrier right from the time the baby is born. The ergonomic baby carriers are made keeping in mind the baby's and wearer's physiology. So these carriers, when worn appropriately, provide enough head, neck and spine support. These also ensure healthy hip development.<br>
For baby as young as yours, you can go for a Ring Sling, Meh Dai, Wraps.<br>
You can look up under BabyChakra's shopping tab. There are quite a few vendors selling beautiful ergonomic baby carriers.<br>
Best Wishes!!!
27 Aug 2017
Shef Tiwari
hello..yes u can wear your <u>baby</u> from day one <u>in</u> age appropriate carriers. ring slings and wraps are great for newborns:)
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25 Aug 2017
Preetjyot Kaur
If it's an ergonomical carrier, it's safe to use even with a Newborn baby... When I had my first child, I used to go for walks n do a lot of Grocery shopping while wearing her.. You could wear the baby in a way that his neck gets a support.
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24 Aug 2017
Dr.Saloni Pahwa
hi smita it is advisable to use carriers after 5 months of age
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24 Aug 2017
Shruti Giri
hey u can use carriers right away from their birth... u will find some good options here in BBC... consult babywearing expert here...
Kaushal Sovani
27 Aug 2017