hello everyone. I have started feeling severe movement now.There are particular times when i felt it more like at night or after eating..but yest for the whole day i dint feel any movement.Is it normal?what should I do?Pls help.
Mansi Shah
30 May 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616da0dbb34e550013ec32e3 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> it can be felt from19 weeks for first time moms... should feel by 22 weeks atleast.. sometimes by 24 weeks...
30 May 2017
Seema Agarwal
After how many months can we feel the movement of babies???
30 May 2017
Mansi Shah
<b><font color ="#3b5998"> @6372999217d2c800158d8bec </font></b> thank u for ur advise..will try if i get movement with ur technique..i was worried more bcoz i dint feel any movement for whole day yest...bt then will try it now..<br>
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63729b593f31520016a69b80 </b></font> thank u so much.wud try her technique n see if it works and still if i dont fine any movement wud definately concern my doctor..
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30 May 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
initially movements do not have a pattern... also when mother is active, baby will be rocked to sleep. usually babies start to move when mother is resting. also what you have observed is absolutely normal. babies are more active when resting or after having food. when in doubt, try resting by putting your feet up or laying on your left. also, another way(not to be made habit, only do when in doubt), drink something cold and sweet and lay on your left with hand on tummy, baby will start moving mostly. start counting kicks everyday at same time preferably after lunch or dinner....
30 May 2017
asha chaudhry
hi mansi hang in there - <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372999217d2c800158d8bec </b></font> has this awesome technique, and still if u hv any doubt pls consult ur dr, it will put ur mind to rest. tc
Sheeba Vijesh
30 May 2017