Hello everyone m 6th month pregnant and this is my anomoly scan everything is OK but a tiny echogenic cardiac focus is seen in the left ventricle of the fetal heart and also written here it's commonly seen in Asian people is everything OK my Dr asked me to go for 2D echo scan is it necessary coz from the start it's my 5th scan is scanning harmful to baby also Dr plz advice
Sneha Sharma
08 Jun 2017
Rizwana MK
i hav the same issue at 21 week. my dr. said its.common in asian women and 50% reports shows it. and didnt giv me.any further test. my dr. said it wil go automatically. need not to b worried.
08 Jun 2017
Dr Payal
an echogenic intracardiac focus is not an uncommon finding. majority of the times we let it go, esp when they r very small n single (commonest seen in left ventricle). <br>
iurn some cases this is considered as a marker for some genetic anomalies. ur doc will evaluate whether u r at highrisk for any anomalies in which case u may need further testing. else just follow-up. mostly they disappear on their own. <br>
risk stratification, presence of any higj risk factors, scan findings to be taken into account. discuss with ur doc.<br>
why did u need  so many scans? there is no known effect of ultrasound on fetus, but the rule is to limit its use whenever possible. no unnecessary scans must b performed.
08 Jun 2017
Priya Sood
Can you help <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d51e8ca67e40013aa9222 </b></font>
Rizwana MK
08 Jun 2017