Hello everyone, Thanks Khushboo Chouhan for inviting me to be a part of BabyChakra's Creator Club. Through this medium i will get a chance to make many mommies friends here to share and talk about our daily issues, i am quite excited about it. So i am a Mother to a beautiful 8 months old baby girl. A lot has changed in my life after she came, initial days of being a new mom were quite rough, stressed and i was confused about all the new things happening in my life and the changes taking place in my body. That was quite a stressful time. But now with God's grace, i am quite settled with myself and my daughter and i am able to live Motherhood with a smile on my face and contentment in my heart. Story behind my #newmomshub So as i told you i was quite stressed in the initial days of Motherhood as i was on my own and my husband was working, at that time, i deeply craved for a loving, caring and a supportive guidance which will make me feel at ease. I missed it a lot. You need a friend or someone elderly who has been through this phase, to guide you and inform you of all the changes well-in-advance, so that we are better prepared to tackle everything. I Don't want other mommies to go through the same stress, feeling lost, no one to talk to, plus the judgemental relatives who want us to become a PERFECT MOTHER, suddenly on the very first day. So with the aim to share the bright side of Motherhood and how to achieve it, i started New Mom's Hub. So that mothers like us who stay in nuclear families, do not feel alone and stressed. I have worked with multinational for 7 years so the tips and Hacks that i share with mothers via my various social media handles, is a good combination of Management + Motherhood, Applying management principles to take care of home, my family and my baby, has really simplified this phase for me and i want other moms to feel the same peace and satisfaction, without feeling the need to be a PERFECT MOTHER. Aim to be a #happymother rather than a #Perfectmother , because Perfection is a myth. Looking forward to see your photos, read your stories and for some Gupshup anytime 😉
25 Sep 2019
Sweety Saxena
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @6374805574d6920015d3453a </b></span> for making me a part of this wonderful <b><a style="text-decoration:none" href="http://app.babychakra.com/hashtag/babychakra"><font color="#2b5998"><span>#</span></font><font color="#2b5998">babychakra</font></a></b> family 💞
Sweety Saxena
02 Oct 2019