hello experts... Im suffering from fever and body pains... I'm feeding my baby however my question is should i keep my baby away from me??
suhasini dikshit
19 Apr 2017
Sangeetha Karuna
Hey @5fc71897f7390a00455c4cd4 <b><span style="color:#3B5998;"></span></b><b></b>, i was in the same situation when my kid <u>was</u> 3 months. Was having 103 degree. Could not even able to sit for a minute or two. I went immediately to my gyno as i do not want to give up feeding. She gave me pills. Things went fine after two days. Please hydrate yourself. You will recover soon. Take care dear.
19 Apr 2017
Dr. Mugdha
Continue Breastfeeding and let other care giving activities be done by rest of the family members. If the cause fever is infection, your baby is also getting antibodies to fight it from your breastmilk. But do check whether your breast is hard and painful that can sometimes give rise to fever.
19 Apr 2017
Aradhana Sharma
also wear mask and feed to avoid sudden droplets of cough
19 Apr 2017
DrBhavi Mody
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @5fc71897f7390a00455c4cd4 </b></span> it's great that you are feeding as that will help build immunity in your child.<br>
As for keeping your baby away<br>
what you can do<br>
1.Seek help from family and others to manage your baby and get him to you only when you have to feed.<br>
The rest that you will get will help you recover faster.<br>
2.Every time you pick your baby wash your hands or sanitize.<br>
3.Keep a tissue box close to you or a kerchief.<br>
use it when you sneeze or cough.<br>
Maintaining hygeine is of utmost importance..Also clean your breast before every feed.<br>
If you have an option keep the Child away and if not maintain hygeine
19 Apr 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
there are chances the baby might catch fever. but that can happen even if you keep him in different room... so be normal with the baby... and breastfeed as much as possible
Sangeetha Karuna
19 Apr 2017