i am 33 weeks pregnant, some of my friends said about cleaning after normal delivery, but when i asked my dr. about cleaning after delivery he said they cant insert hand inside as there is chances of infection inside, but as i have heard if proper cleaning is not done it left tummy, kindly guide me , m very confused what is cleaning actually, whether it is done or not and if yes den how, please guide me.
Fatema Zanorwala
13 May 2017
Dr. Shilpitha
Immediately after birth the uterus manual cleaning can be carried out, if born during the inspection of the placenta (afterbirth) has doubts about its integrity. That is, a doctor suspects that the last part was in the uterus. In this case, women are given full anesthesia, and the doctor without any problems, through fully dilated cervix, cleans it from the residues of the placenta. Incidentally, such cleaning is needed after delivery .. Most maternity hospitals almost all women in labor for three days after birth put oxytocin intramuscularly. It's a drug that leads to strong uterine contractions, helps it to empty faster. Sometimes therapy with this drug should be extended. But just profuse discharge after birth - this is not always an indication for such a traumatic procedure as the uterus cleaning, it must be carried out only as a last resort.
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13 May 2017
Roopashree Siddireddy
I don't know exactly what you are saying.. Mine is a normal delivery. After baby comes out...the bag it is in...that too along with others will come out. Some old ladies in neighbouring house said to me that... some nurse or assistant doctor will press tummy and they will squeeze out things inside. But nothing was done to me.
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13 May 2017
Roopashree Siddireddy
<u><b><font color ="#3b5998"> @616d5a27c1b4770013bcb718 </font></b></u><u><b><font color ="#3b5998"></font></b></u> <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @5fcc57acb0bd2f004606c655 </b></font>
Dr. Shilpitha
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13 May 2017