Hello friends I really wanted to write about thus topic. But, was not getting words to write it. The first thing that I want to discuss is #parentshaming . A lot of times we have seen this and we might have also done it to others. But, is this the right thing ? No. This is not right. If we are in the garden and we see a parent who is fat, we sometimes end up fat shaming the parent. Why #bodyshaming . Sometimes, we might have seen a parent who is strict and is patiently trying to discipline the kid and the parent is named as a bad parent. Really, is that parent a bad parent ? Who are we to decide that ? The other thing that I have observed is #kidshaming . I really noticed this when one of the parents in my daughter's online class hit the kid in front of all the other classmates. I am against hitting and also I believe that if our child is doing something wrong which is not serious then you we should talk to the kid in private. We should not scold our kid in front of others. No matter, how stressed we are I believe, that the kid should be seriously explained in private and then proper action should be taken. Even school teacher's should keep this thing in mind and instead of reprimanding the kid in front of the entire class, should call the parents privately. These are my thoughts. Please do let me know what do you thin in the comments section below.
04 Oct 2021
amardeep mann
Very right article fr today's life.. I think we must ve discussion on dese topics .. we do wrong things smtimes.. thank u <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @ </b></span> fr writting on dis topic.
amardeep mann
21 Jan 2022