Hello! I am concerned for my 11 months old daughter. She is only 6.8 kgs though her head circumference and height is within the range of baby growth chart. Her birth weight was 2.21 kgs. She can sit on her own and can pick up as well as can throw things. Our pediatrician has told to increase her food intake and told us to wait till she completes her 1year. Please help am very much worried. Please suggest me something.
10 Jun 2016
Rhituparna Mitra
Piyali - are her developmental milestones on track? my baby was always underweight (was 8 kgs after 13 months, was only 4 kgs at 5 months). I focussed on nutrition, and her milestones were all on track except very delayed emergence of teeth (at 14 months). She was always very physically active though (she learnt to climb a ladder before she could walk). So doc always said she will catch up. Weight was not so much of a concern. Focus on her physical and cognitive milestones...check out articles on BabyChakra. (Btw my daughter is still a bit shorter in height compared to the designated milestone for her age but she can ride a bicycle on her own)
11 Jun 2016
Piyali Khag
Thanks Pooja and Neha
10 Jun 2016
Neha Agarwal
Hi piyali. If you want ur question to be answered by an expert, then u need to mark it as "do you want to ask an expert?". else it won't be answered by one.
10 Jun 2016
Priya Sood
hi piyali. i can totally understand. while we await experts comment i would say feed baby whatever she likes and experiment with different recipes. babies can be choosy so refer to our recipe section. i too agree that dont worry too much till baby is one.
Rhituparna Mitra
11 Jun 2016