Hello. I would like to share this with mommies who feels her kid is not sleeping continuously in 4th month. They call it as sleep regression. My baby who used to sleep continuously for 4-5 hours is waking up in every 1-2 hour gap. I will try to feed her. She sips for 5-10 min maximum and will go back to sleep. Yesterday it was an hectic night. I feed her, tried holding her, carried her and walked but nothing worked out. She slept till she was in my warmth and when i placed her in the bed she opened her eyes and started crying.this went till 2:30. Then my mom came. She holded her and suggested to put her in swinger(we are having a thulli for her). I slept next to her. To my surprise she slept within 5 min. And she slept for 5 hours. A big relief ☺️. Thanks to my mom. Today morning i received this link from my husband who browsed the net and got this piece of information.Now a days i love to share the baby news in baby chakra as soon as i tried/received and tried. Hope it might be helpful. http://www.babysleepsite.com/baby-sleep-patterns/4-month-sleep-regression/
29 Mar 2017
Sangeetha Karuna
Hey sheetal, Thanks for the info. Will see for two nights. If its not working as yesterday, will take her to pediatrician. I thought of not to take medicines unnecessary. Will waot for two more <u>nights</u>
29 Mar 2017
Manju Dhillon
wts renttac ??<u>sheetal</u>
29 Mar 2017
Sheetal Rai
hi it happened with my baby also. but when I showed it to a good doctor. it turned out it was GER because of which my baby couldn't sleep. sleep regressions happen. but pls show it to ur doctor. my baby suffered for few days before we took her to the doctor. there is something called silent GER that happens when they sleep. it feels acidic and hurts that's why they got up. my doc put her on rantac for 15 days. and now she sleeps better. so don't read it on Google. get it checked.
29 Mar 2017
Sangeetha Karuna
Hey manju. I can very well feel your worry. This phase will pass on soon. They call this as a milestone. Babies are trying to sleep like us. They go to deep sleep state, then coming back. We adults will catch up the sleep soon. But that is new to them..Give a try and lets see how fast our baby is getting adopted to our normal sleep. All the best dear👍☺️
29 Mar 2017
Manju Dhillon
same is happening wih me ,witj my twin babies,so much worried...in will alsontry swing ...
Sangeetha Karuna
29 Mar 2017