Hello ladies. I have a 1 month old baby. I use hospital grade breast pump to express milk as she can not suck yet since she was born pre term. Using the pump has made my nipples big and when I wear bra the nipples bend; due to less space that they have to fit in. Overall my nipples have become extra sensitive. Even a loose touch of cloth is uncomfortable. Overall wearing a bra is more comfortable than not wearing one but the nipples bend that is the issue. Would a bigger cup size might help? Or any other suggestions? Any body who faced a similar situation?
Divya Bansal
31 May 2018
Shilpi Vijay
Hey dear..congrats new mommy.. yes it's common..try maternity wear..it's comfortable..don't wear bra in that or you can try big size..u can even do slow massaging ..or warm compress types..it helps..don't worry..happy <u>parenting</u>
31 May 2018
Roopashree Siddireddy
Congratulations for you and baby. This is one phase thats very dreadful. I still; can feel that pain. If its too painful and ypu always as home, then remove bra anf can wear comfortable blouse or padded front open kurti or maxi dress. Please buy one size and even cup size bigger bra. Make sure you buy right cup size. When baby starts latching.. then also its painful for couple of months. In between try to feed directly as well. Massage gently during bath. It will give some relief. I know even slight touch of fabric will give immense pain. Please bear for couple of days..slowly you could able to bear and pain will reduce.
31 May 2018
Priya Sood
Hi Divya. Congratulations on baby . Yes it does happen. You should go in for a bigger cup size. Ensure you wear a bra. It really helps.
Shilpi Vijay
31 May 2018