Hello lovely ladies, remember my question asking for bottle weaning. I am so thankful to all the wonderful mothers who suggested me ways to go about it. So, Saturday doc asked us to reduce the milk intake to 300ml and stop bottle feeding gradually (I was giving 4 times). We tried to follow it on Saturday n it was a disaster, lot of tantrums n tears. Sunday we tried distraction with new book and hiding the bottle, using the cute sippy cups and it worked with only 2 bottle feeds in the whole day. Monday we pushed it further, there were no bottles in sight and the day went very well with no bottle feed and without any tantrums. Mission accomplished. PS- I gave milk in colourful normal cups and he drank it easily. He rejected the sippy cups, took only few sips. May be he wants to drink like a grown up. Lesson learnt- sometimes we get too scared in trying something new that we completely forget that these lil munchkins are super smart n are always ready to surprise us.
Coming up challenges- holding cup n drinking, use of spoon and then potty training. Did u face any challenges. Share with us! Would love to hear..
06 Jun 2017
Neha Sharma
thnx dear..he is now drinking in colourful cups 😃 <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d55db46822a001361f292 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font>
08 Jun 2017
Ashika Imthiyaz
vow colourful sippy cups... looks nice..
08 Jun 2017
Neha Sharma
thnx dear <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372d82a573f5c0015bc4022 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font>
08 Jun 2017
Rimsha Idrees
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372d8dd17d2c800158d9008 </b></font> sorry late reply...ya she spends diaper free naps in afternoon.but as soon as she wakes up I make her sit on potty..just to be extra cautious n save my matterress I lay easy dry sheet under her ... Summer s good tym to start training
08 Jun 2017
Neha Sharma
hahaha..<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372c1453f31520016a69ec3 </b></font> this is epic 😜
Neha Sharma
08 Jun 2017