Today I am leaving for my mom's place and thinking of staying there for a month 😱 This will be for the first time I am going to stay for such a long time. Why am I going there? well, I have been thinking a lot lately about being healthy and shedding some extra flab and getting back into shape. 😎
I am the most laziest person when it comes to excercise or for that matter a 30 min walk daily. I feel maintaining a healthy weight is the toughest task for a foodie mom, yes I am a big one! I just can't leave parathas or rice or ghee or junk on weekends. 🙈
Challenges I face to start a workout regime-
1- I can't wake up early, Nemit is to be blamed here, he just don't want to leave dudu, we are still struggling with night time weaning.
2- Even if I wake up early by 7 am, I behave like a zombie, my body aches, I keep bumping into Caesar or he keeps bumping into me, I don't know, but it's sure that I am never into my senses.
3- By 6 in the evening I get/feel dead tired don't know how/why so no evening workouts or walks for me.
Now you must be thinking what's special at mom's place, no I mean mom's place is always special but how can that help me in getting healthier.
- Well, there is a sports complex very near to mom's place that I am thinking of joining.
- Mom will keep me pestering & reminding about the change I want to see in myself and why I have hijacked her place.
- Nemit will get the best company while I will sweat it out at the sports complex.
So basically this is going to be my weight loss journey, if not weight loss then at least I want to gain some stamina and improve my eating habits in this month.
I will be updating about my journey often, so that I can get dose of motivation from all you awesome mommies.
P.S- This girl in the pic is ME 😁, and these are my original hairs back in 2010 😬 Mom is haunting me daily by sending all my long hair pictures one by one. 🙈
02 Sep 2017
Richa Kaushik
I miss ur hair <u>nehu</u>
23 Oct 2017
Shreya Singh
those hair<br>
loveeeee them!
08 Sep 2017
<font color ="#3b5998"><b><u> @6372d8dd17d2c800158d9008 </u></b></font> let me know. We can meet on a weekend
04 Sep 2017
Priya Sood
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372d8dd17d2c800158d9008 </b></font> oh my god!!!!!!!!!!! what was your secret to lovely locks. New nick name for u...RAPUNZEL
04 Sep 2017
Neha Sharma
hahaha...<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372be89649d83001690490b </b></font> thanku so much 😘
Richa Kaushik
23 Oct 2017