Hello mommies I have a question after every meal my daughter feels like vomiting.. But she don't vomit can anyone
tel me y dis happen.. And what should I do.. Please help.. My daughter is very thin.. She is 1 nd half year old.. Her weight is 7.95 kg.; But she is very active.. What to do please help..
Poonam Sarkar
11 Nov 2017
Poonam Sarkar
Thank you So much.. It's really helpful..
11 Nov 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
Ok poonam, my son was term but he was still underweight. I don't give brown bread, it would be nice to either bake yourself if you could or there are so many different recipe options available.. how many meals do you give to baby? Break feeds into 5 - 3 main meals and two snacks. And if breastfeeding you can give 4-5 times. Avoid water or milk just before food as well as in between as much as possible...
11 Nov 2017
Poonam Sarkar
Doctor says her weight is little bit less..; But her height is <u>ok</u>
11 Nov 2017
Poonam Sarkar
Actually she is premature baby.. Her weight was 2.4 kg at birth time.. When she is hungry she will eat 2-3 bites after dat she will not eat.. She;; says no no.. She is active wen she is awake she won't sit quietly for a second also..<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372999217d2c800158d8bec </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> do you give ur son Brown <u>bread</u>
11 Nov 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
babies can feel like vomiting if they don't like the texture of food or are being force fed. Try different textures and tastes so that baby does not get bored of food. If baby is active and eating well and health is otherwise good then no need to worry...my son is on the same weight and age... was she low weight at birth? What does the doctor say?
Poonam Sarkar
11 Nov 2017