It’s important for all of us to remember that Anger is a normal and healthy emotion - when expressed in socially appropriate ways of course. We often forget that kids are no different from adults when it comes to the things that make them angry. It’s just that they don’t know how to cope with their feelings or how to self-regulate their temper and hence everything comes out bubbling and at full force.
To help your child with these sudden outbursts you need to first figure out what is triggering this behavior. Here are some questions you can ask yourself next time you child is throwing a tantrum.
1. Are they hungry or tired? 2. Have I been paying attention to them? (When we don’t respond to what they say we aren’t modeling good listening behavior) 3. Would a change in scenery help in improving their mood? (Maybe take them outside for a while) 4. Are they feeling uncomfortable? (Uncomfortable clothing or loud surroundings) 5. Are they feeling controlled? (Try giving them a little space for a while)
Apart from this try to maintain your patience and cool because when our little cubs get overwhelmed with big emotions it’s our job to share our calm with them rather than join their chaos.
Sania Bhushan
07 Mar 2020