Hello mom's n doc's. I need an expert pdea help as to which milk powder should I give to my 2months old.. m giving her BM bt still she's hungry at times n cries all the time coz of tat hunger... Plz help..
Neha Singhal
19 Jan 2018
Neha Singhal
Ok Richa, thanks..
19 Jan 2018
Neha Singhal
Thank Ritu... This all I do, bt may be u r rite at times she jus cries to sleep n I feel shez hungry. N wats colic??
19 Jan 2018
First of all don't think that your baby is crying because she is hungry.. babies cry for many reasons like they might be Colic or have gas or hungry or not comfortable in their clothes or might be feeling warm / cold or sleepy.. so check on all options and also you can take baby in lap or bounce.. also check with paediatrician once..
19 Jan 2018
ritu singhal
Neha sweetheart, first of all, lets see if your babys pee count is 6-7 in 24 hrs, if yes then your baby might not be crying out of hunger. Have you ruled out colic? Babies cry due to several reasons at this age and we moms think that they are crying out of hunger coz if you offer them milk,they tend to settle down. At this age babies needs lot of comforting, so they comfort nurse and wana be close to mom. Try doing a basic check, like does baby need a diaper change,or is too hot or cold, or just needs to be comforted ( gently rock, bounce, sing to baby). Try and see if baby needs to pass gas,set some time aside for massage,warm bath,tummy time,make ur baby do cycling motion ,it helps relieve trapped gas,or just bend his knees towards stomach, try burping baby after each feed taking him in upright position over your shoulder. If all these have been tried and tested,kindly see your pediatrician ,he can advise best on top feed and how much to give. Usually its 60ml/450 grm of body weight. But check with doc once.
19 Jan 2018
Neha Mani
I think you have to consult your baby's paediatrician..they suggest formula according to the baby's need and age
Neha Singhal
19 Jan 2018