My last period started on 27th Feb. And I also have history of irregular periods. My normal cycle is 30-35 days. Currently I am pregnant. and If we calculate from 27th Feb. it should be my 7th week. But 2 days before I get ultrasound done and it is showing as 5 weeks and 2 days. And no heartbeat.
I am worried about growth of my baby. Is it ok to be in 5th week instead of 7th as I always have irregular periods.
Good Barkha....and Swer after 15 days when u heard you're baby feel so much better and happiness
18 Apr 2017
Barkha Mittal
Many thanks to all. You all gave me a sign of relief. And yes from now on I will not take stress. And will go for ultrasound after 15 days. Thanks again.
18 Apr 2017
divya raghav
its nrml...wen i went to d hospital i ws expcting it as my 6 week but it was only 5 weeks nd 2 days with no heart beat..den dctr called me aftr one week nd evrythng was fine at dat time
Pallunamu Pallunamu
18 Apr 2017