My babies are on breastfeed and three alternate feeds also i gove. as in soups, raab, pureed khichdi.
i want to add curd in their diet but i have nt started outside milk yet so curd is made from paturized milk that comes. can i give that curd to my babies?
hey thank u so much everyone 😘😘😘
30 Jul 2017
Kavitha Dev
this may be helpful... and curd helps for weight gain in babies.
29 Jul 2017
Sheeba Rizvi
Yes Dhara go ahead curd is good for all ages but start with a very little amount and see how it goes and increase time is afternoon and avoid curd after 6pm...and follow all above experts advice...All the best😊
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29 Jul 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
hi dear, cow's milk is not advised because of lactose in it, which may not be tolerated, but curd you can give as lactose is broken down in curd. you can also flavour curd with banana, cucumber, etc. i agree with rakhi on introducing more solid food to babies. by 10 month my baby used to eat almost everything. he had given up mashed and pureed foods
30 Jul 2017