Hello, my baby girl is 52 days old.bt she is crying so much.and when she starts crying never stops by ,any thing. Many says that it's normal in small kids it will be improve by time and stop crying. Is it true?? And she doesn't have any gas or digestion problem. Is it require any medicine? Or it's a common in small babies??
Nisha joshi
11 Apr 2019
Julie Javeria
<div align="left" >Some tips that can help parents avoid gas & colic are:<br>
<div align="left" >Burp the baby after every feed.<br>
Keep the upper body of baby a little inclined up while feeding milk or other liquids.<br>
For bottle fed kids, use an anti-colic teat and bottle.<br>
<div align="left" >;I will also suggest you to use Mamaearth Easy Tummy Roll On.
21 Sep 2019
Nisha joshi
We are also doing the same thing. When she starts crying we take her for walk. Out side of home. And many more things which changes her mood. By it not work for all times. Some times she never stops. If she will tired, she will take a minute and after that again starts crying.
11 Apr 2019
Rebecca Prakash
She is looking for comfort, please keep her close. Breastfeeding will be the saviour here, You can take her for a walk when she is crying. Seeing outside will change her mood. And yes it's common with babies to cry . My daughter too never had gas or colic pain still she use to cry.
Julie Javeria
21 Sep 2019