Hello!! My baby is 10 months old but he does not take meals properly. I try and make 3 meals daily but sometime he would be so reluctant to have meals and take milk instead. Many days go with only 1 meal per day with the other two meals being just a single spoon. He is playful otherwise and weight gain is also normal but I am worried because I see toddlers eating bowl full 3 times a day. He only likes milk. Please suggest.
Aks Cha
07 Sep 2017
Shruti Giri
I can understand...their eating habits drives us crazy...we must find the way out...all d best...
07 Sep 2017
Aks Cha
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @6372dce4d28b060015d965bd </b></span>: Hi Shruti ..thanks for ur inputs. This was really helpful. He is taking only 1 meal a day rest all is milk. That was worrying me.
07 Sep 2017
Shruti Giri
hey it's a very common toddler behavior... being a mother of a 19 month, I can surely tell u that it's just a distraction...baby is too much into other things like playing, observing, talking... eating comes last on the list...don't wry..if he is active don't force him to eat... <br>
did u try to involve him in cooking..bcz that's wat worked for me.. toddler loves attention...treat them like a big guys they love it...<br>
about milk...if it's once a day then fine.. not more than that..that is also not good..milk can't replace the meal..try making some interesting receipes...see some links here<br>
<font color ="#3b5998"><b><a href="http://app.babychakra.com/article/210">Weaning Food Recipe (10 to 12 months)</a></b></font>
Shruti Giri
07 Sep 2017