Hello u wonderful people i am husband and love my wife and baby girl 👧 😍 this post i wanted my wife is felling lost although i have taken ,3" months of leave she went through C section ,now even though i give time 🍳 and make feel special she feels lost sometimes give so doctors details or tips to make her feel better tried with walk exercises hope i want her to be normal
Harini Vinod
18 Jan 2018
asha chaudhry
hi daddy i hope you found these suggestions useful? pls do update us - we would love for your wife to be active on the app as well whenever she can. tc. and stay in touch!
22 Jan 2018
asha chaudhry
Welcome aboard daddy! So heartening to have a very caring hubby & father post these concerns. Firstly kudos for taking time off and being a co-parent in every sense. Each one of us has gone thru this phase and we wudnt have come out of it without our spouse's help. Tips from my experience: a) pls keep reassuring her she is not alone. Its hormonal and every mom goes thru post partum depression. B) pls make sure she goes out for a walk everyday with a friend. That will give her time away from home & baby. C) later on she can take to babywearing when u are back at work so she doesnt miss her walk buddy sessions. D) make sure she is eating right, getting lots of sleep, a relaxing massage etc - very imp. E) she needs lots of affection from u. Pls try and give her some "we time" when u can. F) pls encourage her to post all her queries here and share anything <u>at</u> all. We have so many amazing new moms & experienced who can really help! Pls stay in touch!
19 Jan 2018
Priya Sood
Show your love and appreciation to her. That will also help her.
19 Jan 2018
sweta Kujur
Bringing a baby to the world might be a 50-50 decision of both parents but raising a baby is definitely 80% a mother's job. It's the truth. Good to know that you took 3 months leave to help your wife (I just got 15 days). But motherhood can be overwhelming, especially for csec moms due to the limitation in their movement and round the clock demands of the baby. My wife sometimes feels lost even today and threatens to run away 😂. We keep thinking that it will get better in a couple of months. But the reality is far from that. Mothering never gets easier. The key is to share the work load on a daily basis. You can ask her what she needs help with or come forward to offer help with laundry and stuff. Little gestures of appreciation go a long way. Because besides physical tiredness mothers also go through tremendous mental tiredness. Who wouldn't get fed up with doing the same things day in and day out, from the moment you open your eyes in the morning till the time you go to bed at night. But wait, this doesn't stop here. Aren't we forgetting the twice or thrice baby waking for night feeds. All this takes a toll on mothers physically, mentally as well as emotionally. She might be feeling overburdened and even guilty and alone. Try to empathize with her. Talk to her more and connect to her. Tell her that you both are in this together. My wife didn't follow any exercise regime. She just continued with her morning and evening strolls from her pregnancy days. You can also put the baby on a stroller and go for walks together. You can start with light exercises too but only after consulting her doctor. Hope that helps! <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d917d5988200013dc7bf5 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font>
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19 Jan 2018
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63732cbd573f5c0015bc4fa4 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> you can share any tips here..
asha chaudhry
22 Jan 2018