Helloo... Mam, myself pregnancy of about 18 weeks. My LMP was on 20th january. I was going for tvs also, and in report it is showing that CRL is 74.1 mm of 8 weeks 2 days dated on 16th march 2020.Also, foetal cardic activities are seen as 176 BPM.
Now of today I am facing vaginal bone pain of around 1 week before. Before 1 week I stopped to take susten 300 tablet, Due to this pain I am facing problem to sleep at night. I am a working women, and due to lockdown I am travelling to office by bike.
I have just want to know is it harmful pain for me Or my baby???
In which date I go for anamolly scan of level 2??
Also, my hemoglobin is 10.1 gm/d, is this showing low hemoglobin for me, would this affected my baby???? Kindly give me answer??? I am waiting for your reply.
sushma Raj
28 May 2020
Dr.Priyanka Patel
Exact location of pain needs to be checked if it is happening in bones otherwise light heaviness is normal
31 May 2020
Dr.Priyanka Patel
If your doctor has told you to stop the medicine then only you stop otherwise you have to take it baby is fine in the reports and less hemoglobin is less so you should be starting iron medicines you must eat more of iron rich fruits as black grapes dates pomegranate carrots beetroot include them more in your diet
31 May 2020
Bhavna Anadkat
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616fdb6bee57850013f09995 </b></font>
Dr.Priyanka Patel
31 May 2020