Here's something about my favorite activity - SLEEP. As shared by the Health Awareness Center founded by Dr Vijaya Venkat.
ARE YOU SLEEPING WELL ENOUGH? Don’t we just love running around doing a hundred things before the day runs out? Isn’t it exciting to just get several things off your checklist as soon as possible? With a modern life full of technology extending our waking hours, are we really getting the sleep we require? Are we sleeping at the right time? CATABOLISM and ANABOLISM Sleep which is a part of “Rest”, is nature’s great restorative process (anabolism) just as activity and excitement (catabolism) represent her great exhaustive process. Just as activity is indeed necessary for the expression of organic life, so is alternated periods of rest and sleep, or else the organism will wear out. REPAIR/RECHARGE YOURSELF NATURALLY The purpose of sleep is to recharge our human motor much like a battery, replenishes its stock that has been burnt up. Lots of things happen during sleep which we don’t realise (nor appreciate)- nerve energy is generated for renewal, toxic metabolic wastes are removed, new cells are generated at a faster rate; that is why if you don’t sleep enough, you are groggy, dragging yourself out of bed, muscles don’t move the way they should, mind cannot focus, and you might have a runny nose. All these life maintaining activities only happen in sleep. And darkness. Our body is designed to respond to the night, by turning on specific hormones, only at night, to undertake these functions, when the body- machine, is in a state of rest. QUALITY OF SLEEP It isn’t how much, but the quality that matters the most during sleep. People require both slow wave and dreaming sleep; slow-wave sleep helps restore the control of the brain and nervous system over the muscles, glands and other body systems. Dream sleep essentially maintains mental activities as learning, reasoning, and memories. Equally important is When we sleep. Making up for lost sleep, during the day, is not quite the same as sleeping in darkness, at night. NOT A CESSATION Rest is not, therefore, a cessation of activity per se, it is just a cessation of certain forms of activity. In states of sedation, narcosis, drug-induced hypnosis and anaesthesia, our physical and mental activities are almost suspended. This does not allow the body to refresh and renew itself. Normal rest and sleep, however, lead to vigour and freshness. So it isn’t about not doing any activity, but actually performing the right activity at the right time. So dim the lights, switch off the smartphones, count those sheep, you need this activity. #sleepwell#naturalenergy How many hours do you sleep in the night?
25 Apr 2017
Roopashree Siddireddy
I want to sleep more.. still struggling. Hope once my baby start going to school... both will have enough rest.
Roopashree Siddireddy
25 Apr 2017