Here’s what stars have to say about you today! ✨✨
Get daily horoscope on BabyChakra by the expert Vedic astrologer and tarot reader, Janvi Gaur.
♈ Aries: On this new moon the new beginnings will start for you, you feel isolated you feel lonely, and a bit hopeless where your social life is concerned, but it is not true as I see a travel for you and everything after this travel will change for you in a much much positive energy. You need to eat a healthful diet, get adequate sleep, and exercise regularly for optimal health. New Moon means new beginnings you need to bring massive disciplinary changes in your life and focus on your highest priorities. You are the leader of the zodiac and the leader is often found lonely or misunderstood but you don’t have to bother about that because you need to do and believe in yourself. Yellow and green are your lucky colors today.
♉ Taurus: This new moon brings the season of celebrations and gratitude in your life, you will hear about a pregnancy of a loved one and it is going to take you over the moon as you have waited to hear this news for a very long time and almost have given up to receive this joy. You will find yourself at a counselor position also today and many people will benefit from your guidance and reassurance, just do this very unconditionally and have empathy for everyone who talks to you about their problems today without being judge mental at all. Plan your diet also today as in this new moon weight loss is also looking one of the commitments you need to make. Maroon and bottle green are your lucky colors today.
♊ Gemini: You need to understand that all your physical problems and physical ailments actually come from your emotional burdens, when you cannot handle a relationship and the stress that comes with the relationship your body start to react and blocks the nurturing and healing side of it. You need to nurture yourself as you nurture a child you nurture your own inner child both activities are important for you right now. Must take some dance classes or just put some music close your door and dance like a child this is one of the most important rituals you can do on a new moon for yourself. And you will see how the healing will begin from deep within. Red and orange are you lucky colors today.
♋ Cancer: You begin your day on a new moon feeling helpless and then feeling that you’re not actually helpless you’re guilty and you take responsibility for what’s not changing in your life, but by the middle of the day as it progresses your inner wisdom takes over and your confidence goes to his highest level and you will be flowering from within. You know what to do trust your inner knowledge and act upon it without any delay and prioritize your Health at the optimal level. Stop suppressing your emotions also just express yourself and be unconditional about the circumstances or reactions of people around you. You definitely need to surround yourself with fresh flowers today and celebrate this new moon ritual light some candles in your room and sit for meditation and feel this cleanse deep in your soul. Blue and gold are you lucky colors today.
♌ Leo: We are in your zodiac month and the new moon is also in Leo today, clearly so much duality in your thinking and this duality is slowing you down and making you feel emotionally so drained and so tired that you give up and surrender to the creator today and allow the creator to take over your life for your highest good. I don’t think it’s a bad idea as your spiritual angels are helping your spiritual side to awaken fully so that you can clearly see the heavenly love. You must start a detox plan for yourself on this new moon and continue it at least for the next 15 days till we reach the full moon and that is going to change your emotions and you’ll be very surprised reactions of people around you also. Brown and peach are you lucky colors today.
♍ Virgo: You may feel when people are doing very well they forget about you and when they are not seeing any success in their life they reach out to you again, don’t repeat your past mistakes and do understand who actually deserves, needs, and values your power. If you are not valued please take back your power and use your God-given power and intention to manifest blessings in your life. Don’t have a savior complex and allow people to rock all over you. All you need to work on is your own success and your growth as there are so many opportunities around you which are going unheard and unseen because you’re too busy fixing other people’s lives. So on this new moon make this big change and only concentrate on self-love and you will see unimaginable results. White and grey are your lucky colors today.
♎ Libra: On this new moon I can not emphasize enough on how you need to be on your career transition and follow your life purpose as it is triggering to a blessed career change. Don’t hold back now as you need to connect with your soul purpose which is sharing your wisdom, your growth, your success and your power with many people and make it a huge success. Very your love life is concerned I don’t know if you are fighting for loving your life or you have found the lover and you are fighting with himor her, you need to just accept your love life the way it is right now because all you need to concentrate on is your career and your success. That is a pledge you need to make with yourself on this number. Wine red and lime green are your lucky colors today.
♏ Scorpio: If you want to really change things in your life you need to understand that the change will begin from your mind and let go of this moodiness that you feel time to time as it always takes you away from completing something or changing something for its highest capability. Most of the time you come to 90% of doing things correctly and then you just flip when you are so close to the finish line, you need to stop that and take the opportunity of this new moon to bring this massive correction in your life. You are extra sensitive to energies and emotions today honor yourself and your feelings and do not embarrass yourself by expressing some thing which actually does not even exist. Purple and dark pink are you lucky colors today.
♐ Sagittarius: On this new moon take a life review, take inventory of your life and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced. If you feel the sorrow then you need to breakthrough from the sorrow and you understand what are those actions done by you that causes you always to disappointment embarrassment or sadness. We understand that your life goes through its ups and downs and that happens for all of us, these are the experiences we need to take in life but if every time you react the same way in every experience then the experience will keep repeating itself because you are supposed to take a different approach in order to see a different result, if I make any sense to you right now my friend? Mustard and orange are you lucky colors today.
♑ Capricorn: This new moon brings you and understanding of the biggest medical in your life and that is that you and your loved ones are safe. You are protected you are guarding angels your loved ones and your home. On a new Monday you must start your travel plans or at least start planning your travel plans for the future as you need a shift of energy very soon in order for your awareness to flow in life and help your consciousness and intuition power also. I see a travel overseas which is going to do immensely good for you and you will feel a connection with your Third eye. On this new moon you must help yourself to get rid of any addiction that you have whether it is smoking, alcohol, sugar, fatty food, or addiction of self punishment. It all needs to go and sometimes one needs to protect themselves from themselves. Dark grey and chocolate brown are your lucky colors today.
♒ Aqarius: No matter how much stress you have because of probably new moon today you need to understand that your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality. I still see prosperity in your cards even if you cannot believe it or see it it is still there. Just concentrate on your existence and what you are here to do that is what is the most important thing for you to acknowledge on this new moon. Certain things are getting delayed and you feel very frustrated because of this postponement but trust in divine timing and try not to commit to many assignments, as you may find yourself completely unorganized and demotivated. Rose Gold and Feruza Blue are you lucky colors today.
♓ Pisces: On this new moon new adventures of life begin for you and it is time for you to assume your leader ship hours and position and lovingly guide others. Don’t be a pushover and that is what you need to have a talk with yourself on this new moon and take full charge of what you like and you don’t like in spite of being such a spiritual zodiac one often finds you very vulnerable and confused. When it comes to giving guidance to others there is no one better than you but for yourself it goes from 100 to 0 intuition. Connect with this new Moon meditate do some yoga or listen to some healing music to awaken that inner voice for your highest guidance. Rust and Beige are lucky colors today. #dailyhoroscope2022 #positiveposts