Here’s what stars have to say about you today! ✨✨
Get daily horoscope on BabyChakra by the expert Vedic astrologer and tarot reader, Janvi Gaur.
♈ Aries: Today is a day you need to be extremely compassionate to yourself, you have to soften your heart and you have to respect the situation you were in and completely surrender to the universe. You will feel emotions like suppression anger and loneliness but I promise you it is extremely temporary and will go soon. You will find yourself in a very good space and you will find yourself happy and relaxed. Whatever you’re going through right now is for your higher understanding and you are in the situation to set higher goals for yourself and bring them into action. You are spending too much on other people to bring joy in your life and as a matter of fact the joy is completely around you and inside of you. Make things happen. You’re lucky colors are yellow and blue today.
♉ Taurus: Your patience has finally paid off and your dreams are coming into reality more rapidly than you realize. Just some more patience and you will receive your rewards and spread your wings. Many of you are planning migration and relocating, it’s not a bad idea as you are drawn to this transformation for new life. The source is behind you and you will get a lot of help from family and friends in migrating to another country and starting a new life. But just talk to people who can help you in this and don’t tell everybody and anybody around you as you are prone to evil eye and jealous energies. Do some charity on the coming Tuesday and wear red today.
♊ Gemini: You feel so comfortable today as your finances are all in order and you are making all your payments on time and even planning to invest in a property very soon. You are slightly confused if you want to invest in your current country or would you like to invest abroad. Give it some time and the creator will give you free clarity and abundance. As of now the universe is comforting you and helping your body, mind and soul to heal completely. Praise the Lord and wait for many more fruits in your life. You must visit a pilgrim as soon as you had desired to do that sometime back. Yellow and gold are your lucky colors today.
♋ Cancer: Your relationships go through very strange and funny tones in life, people are attracted to you so much that they think they cannot live without you and suddenly they love you so much that it actually starts to bother them, that is the weird energy your zodiac has because it is ruled by moon which is never the same and is constantly changing every night. Please embrace that nature of your zodiac as today someone may return in your life, a friend or maybe some old lover with a lot of awareness for you, a lot of value for your friendship and your love. Don’t be paranoid as you are very very safe and you’re guarding angels are protecting you against lower energies. Pink and yellow are you lucky colors today.
♌ Leo: You miss a soulmate connection in your life and for that you sometimes make very baseless travels from here and there. If someone who is meant to be in your life will come in front of you, you don’t need to travel city to city or country to country to find that person. It doesn’t work like that. You are stressing too much about your love life or to find a partner and not enjoying this particular present experience. I see love life in the future and you will find your beloved soulmate relationship in the most least unexpected way. We are in your zodiac month and it is definitely stressing you out as you are hosting all the other zodiacs for now. Brown and green are your lucky colors today.
♍ Virgo: Money money money in your cards. But you are not in the right frame of mind and absolutely not enjoying anything that the universe has to offer you because you are completely stuck on someone and how they behave with you. Can you please let it go and stop fixating on this one person whose acceptance means the world to you. I promise you it is not that important and the minute you let go and move on with your life you will see how much prosperity, flowering and playfulness the universe has to offer to you. Please do some yoga or a nice workout in the gym. I'll probably even go for a swim. It is really going to relax your body, mind and soul and I guess the best go for retail therapy as I see so much money in your cards. Green and pink are you lucky colors today.
♎ Libra: What a busy day today, you are in the mood to clear your entire house and your office space. So much clutter and you feel like a hoarder and that is annoying you to the next level. You have not only engaged yourself in cleaning today I see you involving your staff, your friends and your colleagues to fix your surroundings. Not a bad idea. It is great to clear the space and I would suggest you to use some feng shui also to enhance and uplift the energies. Evaporates um cancel light some incense and put some chimes at your workspace. Keeping a good luck plant the bamboo good luck plant at your desk will also be very beneficial. You are in a mood to create positive life through holistic energies. I think it’s a great idea and there is so much the universe has to offer. Sky blue and maroon are you lucky colors today.
♏ Scorpio: You need to have a crystal clear intention about what you want and what you desire, you’re not only confusing yourself you are confusing everyone around you and then you feel guilty about how you have reacted. So why don’t you just take a sabbatical with yourself and have crystal clear intention, be clear about what you want, what you desire and then focus on it with 100% faith. Every time you are close to completion of anything you get cold feet and you leave it incomplete, that’s not fair on you and on others. All you need is determination and some discipline and that will get you so much clarity, and so much stability. I see some real estate activity also in your cards today so please don’t take any decision on impulse. Copper and dark blue are you lucky colors today.
♐ Sagittarius: Be gentle with yourself today and surround yourself also with some gentle people. Absolutely do not indulge in any kind of gossip and spreading rumors as your soul is reacting to such negative energies. Your conscious level and your subconscious are not in sync and that makes you feel very lonely even if you are with many people around you. It is purely because you are disconnected with your own thoughts and ideas and your own soul calling. Listen to your inner voice and surrender to it today and start being gentle to people in front of them and especially behind their back. You are planning to propose a union or a marriage very soon and I think it will be a great idea to start planning it. Light green and rust are you lucky colors today.
♑ Capricorn: Your relationships are harmonizing and celebrating. That is great to see as you have had some very difficult times in your transformation, and you are being rewarded now. With all these celebrations and parties you have to concentrate and focus on your work also as I see your work being ignored. When you harmonize your life, harmonize it fully. Not only in your personal relationships but even at work, strength and balance. You may feel a bit under the weather also and it is because of more than required socializing and having irregular sleeping patterns. Nothing really serious to be worried about but as I said just a bit of balance and a healthy lifestyle. Black and white are your lucky colors today.
♒ Aqarius: Sometimes you get so bored of a perfect life that you actually end up creating a drama around you. And of course when you cry about all this drama, you will have to change your thinking process and learn to understand that a drama free life is not a boring life. You go through these strange moon cycles that affect your energy and manifestations. Please don’t call or meet people who really have no place or purpose in your life. Today you’re in a mood to actually go through your phonebook and call people after years of not talking to them and you had stopped talking to them for a good reason back then, you are in a mood to attract some toxicity and circus in your life. I will absolutely ask you to hold yourself for the next two days and you will have a different idea and a different mood after that. White and blue are you lucky colors today.
♓ Pisces: You feel so exhausted today that you want to absolutely drop everything and surrender. Trust your inner knowledge don’t procrastinate anymore you know exactly what to do and how to do. Speak your truth and feel no shame of your failures. There is a lot bottling inside of you which is creating more stress and uncertainty. You need help from your friends and family as they can see you are going in your shell. Express yourself and you will find out that the solution was so near you and you sat on this misery for so long for nothing. Offer some sweets to poor people today and wear the color red for that fire and energy for you. #dailyhoroscope2022#positiveposts