Here’s what stars have to say about you today! ✨✨
Get daily horoscope on BabyChakra by the expert Vedic astrologer and tarot reader, Janvi Gaur.
♈ Aries: Be in a good mood and have faith in yourself, if one door closes then plenty of them even open. In fact, you are not only opening doors I see a massive breakthrough you are going to break a big wall down and you will spread your wings. Have faith just enjoy this experience and this struggle as it is priceless. Actually, the door also that you feel has been shut on you is also not completely locked there is a way for you to still get in and probably you will have patience. You will have a heart-to-heart talk with your mother today and clearly, there is some guidance coming from her straight from the creator, and to take her advice seriously. White and yellow are your lucky colors today.
♉ Taurus: You are really in the mood to procrastinate so many things today and I tell you you can’t afford to do that. You must completely focus and motivate yourself because you have deadlines to finish your pending work. It is pure physical fatigue that you are feeling and that kind of depresses you, to get your iron checked because I feel you are slightly anemic. That also affects your thinking as well as your actions. Follow the guidance of your seniors today as they mean well and they may be able to get you some more time to finish your work. So be humble and ask for help if you need help don’t be ashamed in asking for help. Golden green is your lucky color today.
♊ Gemini: A very strong hard-to-hot dog video lover today and somehow this dog relates to money and investments between the both of you. For some of you, it seems that you may be parting ways and finances are a massive issue to discuss and sort out. Today is the day where you start this journey and put all your desires on the table with honesty and have the heart to hear the other person's demands as well. Do this diplomatically and be politically correct and have patience. You are definitely very insecure and scared of losing money, but I would suggest you concentrate more on not losing a relationship. Gray and silver are your lucky color today.
♋ Cancer: Sometimes you underestimate your powers and you run like a headless chicken everywhere to gain power and strength, in the bargain you are actually losing more of your power. Sit in one place silently and you will see how you can not only move mountains but you can literally shake the heavens when you come to your true self to gain rebirth and harmony. Just listen to your inner voice as it guides you always in the right direction and talk to nobody about it as it is between you and your soul and you want no evil eye or bad intention on it. Clearly a very holistic and spiritual day for you so embrace it fully. Black and white are your lucky color today.
♌ Leo: A deal free will you can be all fired out of anger And burn everything around you or you can completely control your anger and say nothing. I will suggest you swallow this pill off suppression today and you will see tomorrow will be a better day. Try not to make the situation worse with your rage and anger, because we won’t be able to fix it later. So completely bite your tongue. Sometimes Universe sends very strange experiences in our way to test our control and our inner stability, and as I see you are in a test before the universe transforms you and your life. Red and orange are your lucky color today.
♍ Virgo: Do not foolishly spend your money today, just don’t do the shopping because you have to be like someone else or you have to prove a point to somebody around you, that just doesn’t sound like you you are far more mature than that and you don’t believe in flaunting money. You are an abundant person with abundant life and that is what you need to be grateful for. Just because your friends or some relatives are buying expensive things you need not disturb your financial plan to compete with them and flash your wealth probably on social media. Stop with this FOMO and be real to yourself. Lime green and peach are your lucky color today.
♎ Libra: There is no doubt that you were on the master's plan but the only problem is that you are not able to understand what the plan of the master is. It is not for you to understand the master clearly knows what is your highest good you just have to unconditionally with faith go with the flow and gain all the awareness along the way. You are slightly disappointed and sad today due to some relationship or probably some relationship you thought could be more than what it actually is, it is OK you are strong enough and a balancer, you can find your balance and move forward. You must meditate or pray today in order to understand the master's plan better, we never pray so that God listens to us, we pray so that we can listen to what God wants to say to us. Brick red and purple are your lucky color today.
♏ Scorpio: The answer to all your burdens is to attain more knowledge and information, you feel burdened and irritated when you do not have complete information and awareness of what you’re dealing with. No need to lose your head, ask someone to help you understand things better and that’ll calm you down and lift your burdens away. You’re in the mood to create also something new in your life like refurbishing your house or office, it’s not a bad idea but I would tell you to please get rid of some old stuff before you buy some new stuff. You don’t want to be a hoarder and block the flow of energy in your life. Purple and pink are your lucky color today.
♐ Sagittarius: You have overspent in the last few days and you definitely feel the need to slow down from now. Want to be sensible in your spending and share your money around. I think it’s more or less in your mind as I see the money is reasonably OK and looks like it might also come quite OK in the near future but you feel a little nervous as you have overspent for the last few days. It is OK don’t be nervous just back off for a bit till you feel secure again. You may have a very serious discussion with your father today about some financial or property matters or distribution between the siblings. The discussion may go in your favor just don’t be over-excited and don’t give too many suggestions, be a better listener. Maroon and mustard are your lucky color today.
♑ Capricorn: You’re in a bit of stress today and you feel like connecting with an old friend, and that is your inner voice and you feel the creator is pushing you to connect with that old friend as that gives you a lot of peace and guidance. So bury the ego and go for it. You clearly miss this old connection of yours, and just for some little misunderstanding you are going to let go of that connection and comfort that you felt with this friend, now that can be very silly. In the near present, you have taken so much advice from so many people but your soul is seeking that one person’s guidance and opinion. Please listen to your soul as it definitely knows a bit more than you. Pink and yellow is your lucky color today.
♒ Aqarius: Things are changing more rapidly than you realize, you feel things never change and you are always at the same point and that is so not true. Please stop and take an inventory of your life from the last three years and you will see how far you have come and so much has changed purely in your favor and for your highest good. Today’s a day where you give lots of credit and gratitude and where it is genuinely needed. You definitely need to connect with mother nature and get some fresh air with a healthy diet today. From today till the next 10 days you will see a massive turnaround in things and you will have a sigh of relief. Dark blue and dark pink are your lucky color today.
♓ Pisces: There are only two things you can do today in your love life, you can fight with your lover or you can have a mature adult conversation to save your relationship and take it forward. What is it that you think you are going to choose? I agree with you that there are a lot of reasons you have to put up this fight but I’m going to suggest you being a very spiritual zodiac take the high road and maturely hear your partner out. Your partner comes from a place of fear and insecurity and sees how you can help your lover as the love between you two is pure. You both may seek some professional guidance and couples therapy to revive this relationship, I think it will be a brilliant idea. Green and black are your lucky colors today. #dailyhoroscope2022#positiveposts